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Silicone remover

Silicon remover bulk can

Art.-no. 0893222
EAN 4045989575626
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Professional cleaning and degreasing before applying adhesives or painting.
  • High level of cleaning power and long flash-off time

  • Ideally suited for cleaning plastic

Flammable liquids, Category 3; specific target organ toxicity - one-off exposure, Category 3, central nervous system; specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure, Category 1, central nervous system; aspiration hazard, Category 1; chronic aquatic toxicity, Category 2

The usage instructions are recommendations based on the tests we have conducted and on our experience; carry out your own tests before each application. Due to the large number of applications and storage and processing conditions, we do not assume any liability for a specific application result. Insofar as our free customer service provides technical information or acts as an advisory service, no responsibility is assumed by this service except where the advice or information given falls within the scope of our specified, contractually agreed service or the advisor was acting deliberately. We ensure the consistent quality of our products. We reserve the right to make technical changes and further develop products.

Product information


Safety data sheet

Certificates/ Documents



Application area

Suitable as a cleaner or degreaser for all surfaces with silicone present. Also suitable for professional pre-treatment when applying adhesives or painting (especially for touching up and parts painting). Also highly suitable for cleaning plastics.


Apply silicone remover to a clean cloth and thoroughly rub the surface to be treated. Then rub and dry with a clean cloth.


1 l







Chemical basis



0.766 g/cm³

Min. flashing point

40 °C

Shelf life from production

24 Month





Additive article:
Tex-Rein cleaning cloth


Extra fine cleaning cloth for dust and lint-sensitive areas
The packaging unit indicates the number of pieces/meters/kilos contained in the packaging. In the catalog section you can choose from the different packaging units when a selection menu appears.

If you do not know the packaging unit when entering the item number directly in the shopping cart or when registering with Easy-/VarioScan, you can simply leave the box empty. A packaging unit is automatically determined here.
The article number is made up of the following: VVVVAAABBB
VVVV = 4 digits for prefix number (please note that the first digit is currently always 0)
AAA = 3 digits for dimension part 1
BBB = 3 digits for dimension part 2

Example article number structures:
Example 1: Screw with dimensions of 4x10 mm:
00574 10 (2 spaces between the 4 and the 10)

Example 2: Screw with dimensions of 10x20 mm:
005710 20 (1 space between the 10 and the 20)

Example 3: Flat washer with an internal diameter of 6 mm:
Price per packaging unit (PU):
The displayed price always corresponds to the displayed packaging, For example, A PU of 250 pcs means the price for 250 pcs. A PU of 300 pcs means the price for 300 pcs. A PU of 10 m means the price for 10 metres.

Price with price code display (PSL):
The price always applies to a quantity that is arranged via a price code:
/1pc means price for 1piece
/100 pcs means price for 100 pieces
/10 m means price for 10 meters
The quantity shows the number of pieces or units of measure contained in the order or delivery for the respective article.
In contrast to sales packaging and secondary packaging, the disposal costs for chemical-technical products are shown separately. The breakdown of the individual costs can be found on the relevant products and also in the shopping cart, as well as in our General Terms and Conditions (GTC).

Cust. Mat. No.

Hazardous Material

Product information


Datasheets ()

CAD data  | 

Certificates/ Documents



Technical information